Sunday, September 11, 2011

Discussing Composition #1 on the BBC World Service

I'm not sure I have a voice (or a face) for radio, but I did enjoy doing a short package for The Strand discussing the very unusual book, Composition #1  by Marc Saporto, reissued  by Visual Editions in a superlative offline and online format (and with a little introduction from me).

Beautiful Mistakes and the future of stuff at NeXT in Aarhus

Went to Aarhus recently for their NeXT conference and had a really interesting time reprising my future of everything talk around the subject of beautiful misatkes - which, and let's be honest here, is firstly a specialty, so home turf when ift comes to talking about serendipitous errors and, secondly is basically an hour long dinner party monolgue of mine about where we are and how the world is either going to be amazing, or awful, or perhaps somewhere inbetween.

Seemed to go down well.
Considerate write-up from RWW (thank you)
At the Nordic Exceptional Trendshop (NEXT) conference in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday, we were treated to some thoughts about the future from Tom Uglow, a Creative Director based at Google’s Creative Lab in London...." more

a short video excerpt

Post digital books - taking the internet for granted...

Took my Future of Books talk to Port Eliot - where it seemed to go down well despite being introduced as "Here's Tom Uglow - to question the future of books"! (as opposed to 'ask questions about the future of books').
Here's the deck: